There are several types of processed edges and the most demanded are:
- flat edge
- bullnose edge
- quarter-bullnose edge

The surface
We use different types of working on natural and engineered stones, according to the final effect you want to obtain and the use of the material. It is important to consider that all techniques are not suitable for all materials, which give different results even if processed in the same way.
It makes the surface polished by starting with abrasives of big grit and then by changing them with an increasingly finer grain, in order to close all the pores of the material and make it reflective. Almost all materials can be polished, except some of them, difficult to be polished because of their composition. For these materials we recommend a smooth finishing.
It is obtained with the same process used for polishing, by interrupting it before the surface is perfectly polished, but smooth in any case.
The plan is previously smoothed, then sanded and finally cleaned with some acids. Finally we use water- and oleorepellent products. The surface looks rough and aged with an intense colouring.
Streaked finishing
This process is generally used to make the surface antiskid and resistant to the weather conditions and it is more common on granite.
Slabs are processed through a particular equipment called bushhammer. This tool makes the surface knurled.